Parentful – Parents & Experts. Together.
What happens when somebody has a fantastic idea, perfect concept, full commitment to the project and a great team? The answer is – Parentful.
Adam Clarke defined a great idea – to create a community of parents curating content, information and advice for each other. And he lead the team to achieve the goals considering mission and powerful vision – To provide an open platform where parents, experts, companies and content providers can all share and make sense of the best parenting information worldwide and in doing so, build the number one parenting resource on the web.
After 4 months of hard work in development of this project – we have Parentful – a platform where all parents come together and share the best information, advice and articles with each other.
At the earliest development phase for Parentful, we decided to use Ruby on Rails and Postgres SQL database server because of great experience with these technologies when it comes to building websites and “social network kind” of applications. RoR allows us to have success development and fast adding additional features provided in open source add-ons customized for our client’s needs. This allows us to focus on product functionality without having to worry about standard add-on features, such as registering and tracking users, user data validations, image processing, text search…
Enjoy Parentful!