What I learned about wireframing
Creating websites in Razor lead me to many conclusions and helped me find the best work process to get the job done safely & quickly rather than searching around for the “best” design solution with client for many hours. Very often clients want to have their site designed as soon as possible and they do not think a lot about the site structure, content organizing and functionality features at the starting point of our collaborationinflatable toys. They just want to see the designed layout as soon as possible to satisfy their aesthetical needs and they want us to jump straight into the design phase. Later on, when they see the designed mockups they could decide to re-organize page elements a bit for some reason. Unfortunately, at that point, designing website mockups already took a lot of the designers time so making some big content re-organization puts the designer in a time pressured working position, that often leads to estimate breakdowns. Well, these decisions
should have been done at an earlier stage of the project but then it”s too late 🙁 The only solution to avoid these situations is systematic decision making – the key to successful design process. Site architecture, as buy viagra online the first step,
should be determined by a simple site map that could be just a pencil-on-paper sketch. Next step is wireframing that should visually display site architecture and clearly display basic web site functionality features. This is done in a specific software, which then lets the client view his website prototype that is interactive and works like the actual website will. He can make a journey through the prototype and create his own experience casino online about site usability that will lead him to conclusions like – does it match the goals, are all the important aspects on their right places… etc. During the wireframe phase all the updates that the client has in mind are easily and quickly implemented because the designer needs to rework a simple website skeleton instead of full a colored and layered design mockup like he should if the wireframe phase was skipped. So all major decisions about site functionality and content organization should be made at this phase of the project to save designers time and decrease clients budget. This way we will avoid unnecessary hours
spent on re-designing mockups. Once we have all the clients iterations implemented into the wireframe, and it gets approved, we are moving to the design phase (making pretty images). Design phase is now based on the approved wireframe, and that makes it much easier, quicker and gives the designer some extra time to focus on creative thinking. The only thing that the client could ask to iterate now is to change a color tone or font size for example, and these minor changes should not take a lot of designers time, because all crucial decisions are already made and approved! Building a
website is a process.